Super interesting compilation of scientific finds. Thanks!

Albeit suspected this connection, between thyroid health and kidney-antideuretic function, never thought of it formally. When I started 'peating' and restricting my plain water intake, one of the 1st things I've noticed are better antideuretic function..

Re: bile acid and thyroid connection

Now it becomes cleared to me, why taurine, which is big bile promoter, acts so well on the thyroid health and metabolism, in general.

Hence, I'd add taurine to the list of recommendations in your last sentence. This way you 'throw in' into the mix something for the bile.

Will read up more on inositol too,

P.S. Got to your substack from your link on RPF (and glad I did!). Cheers from lejeboca ;-)

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Jan 24Author

Thanks! Happy that you find it interesting :)

Taurine has clearly all its place here, as it's an osmolyte too!

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